Learning the language

There´s no doubt communication is a key issue for any foreign visitor to Extremadura. You´ll find a minimum of phrasebook Spanish is vital to making the most of a holiday in the region. Menus, for example, tend to be only in Spanish or wonkily translated.

The fact is that relatively few locals speak English outside the major cities and hotel chains. Anyone planning a lengthy stay or the purchase of property (even as a second home) should be prepared to go to some evening classes in Spanish beforehand and then commit to improving (i.e. talking and listening to anyone and everyone!) once they arrive. This is easier than in other parts of Spain, as people from Extremadura tend to welcome you and engage in conversation, often feeling proud that you´ve chosen their town to settle in or visit.

When inevitably encountering the language barrier during your travels, just remember that this is part and parcel of unspoilt Spain. Furthermore, what starts as a problem can become an achievement as you make yourself understood!
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